

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas: Why I Put my Trust in Jesus

This isn't going to be a post on why I believe in Christ or God, that will come another day.  This being the Christmas season, I was watching a football game and thinking of one of the most famous verses of the Bible: John 3:16.  "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."  For one, think about how much love that is, that the most powerful being in the universe, the creator of all sacrifices his son for us.  There are other religions out there which ask individuals to sacrifice their lives for their god.  I'm not sure who said it but I love this quote "My God doesn't ask us to sacrifice our sons for him, my God sacrificed his son for us."  That is why us Christians celebrate Christmas.  God could have sent Jesus to punish us and show us the evilness of our sin, but he didn't, he sent his son in an act of love so we could have a way to salvation and be closer to him.  How amazing is it to have a God who loves us that much?  The second part of the verse however, is our part in the relationship: "...that whoever believes in him..."  In this context, believing in him is not just believing in his existence, it is a belief in the love of God providing salvation.  In other words, putting our faith in him, trusting that God's love and sacrifice of his son will bring us eternal life with him, covered in his love.  But more, trusting that God knows what he is doing and knows what is best for us.  Trusting that when he gives us instructions (like the Ten Commandments and the two commandments of love given to us by Jesus) he is providing these out of our best interest.  The third piece of this verse is "...shall not perish, but have eternal life."  As Christians we believe that everyone has eternal life, it is just that by putting our trust in Christ on earth, our internal life will be in communion with God.

When I was young, I used to think about life and death often.  But since I started going to church I really don't think about it much anymore.  I had decided which path to follow and the funny thing is, it had nothing to do with eternal life.  Back when I was young and searching for the bigger purpose of life, I reflected on what it must have been like to actually meet Jesus.  What he must have been like to make people drop everything and follow him.  What was it about him which set him apart so that people recognized him and wanted to follow him?  Now there is no biblical backup for this but I think it was something in his eyes.  Something about the way he looked at people which expressed his absolute love for them.  Not a lustful look but a look of genuine love and concern for everyone he looked at.  As I read the Bible with the perspective of God being a loving God I realized that someone who loves us so much knows what he is doing.  There are a lot of things which happen in life which I don't like or enjoy and I may not fully even understand why they happen but, that doesn't mean God loves us any less.  Someone who goes so far as to sacrifice his son for us loves us in ways I cannot fully comprehend.  Love like that from the creator of the universe?  I may not understand or like everything he does but I have to trust that he has a purpose and reason behind it all, he knows what it takes for us to live a fulfilled life here on earth.  I trust that a creator who loves us so much is going to give us good direction in life and I want to follow that.  I'm not going to lie, I struggle with it often.  And I think a lot of people warp his teachings to fit their own agenda.  But overall, it is the path I want to continue down because I have seen a lot of positive change in my life.  Most importantly however, I can feel the love of God in my life.  What I feel is just a fraction of the love that is there, but it is something to experience.  I wish everyone could experience such love.

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